Music Classes for Violin-Western Violin Classes
Music School offers Music Classes for Violin in Bhubaneswar, Learn Violin. Find Violin Classes For Kids, Violin Lessons For Beginners, Teacher & Training, Violin Courses at Srujanee School of Music Bhubaneswar.
Exams, Certification of RSL International Music Exam Board UK.
Violins are Available Inside Class Room.
Free Practice Time for Every Student on weekdays Evening.
Free Downloadable Audio, Video, PDF for Each Lessons.
Monthly In-house Activities & Appreciation.
State Level and National Level Performing Stages.
Outdoor Activities, Competitions and Appreciation.
Half Yearly Departmental Activities & Appreciation.
Participation in Annual Function Music Orchestra.
Free Promotions of Creative Activities on Own Network Pages and Channel.
Step by Step Audio and Video Learning Methods Of Violin.
Free Backing Tracks for Every Courses Related Songs.
Group Classes are available Online and Offline.
Weekdays and Weekends Classes for Kids, Teens, Adults, Seniors.
Classes for Beginners level to Advanced Level.
Each Classes for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Lessons are Available in Odia - Hindi - English language.
Violin Scales, Violin Solo. Violin Arpeggios, Violin Riff.
Violin Improvisation and Interpretation. Violin Listening Skill.
General Musicianship Question Banks of Violin. Performance and Jamming. Music Arrangements, Music Compositions.
Basic level Violin is the ideal starting point if you've just picked up the Violin for the first time. Learn the fundamentals of Violin in our easy-to-use Violin books. Students will learn the basics of music notation and your instrument
DEBUT: The Debut Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have been learning a short time and have developed elementary skills, techniques, coordination and musical understanding. There are two main types of exams available at Debut, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 1: The Grade 1 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have mastered the key Debut level skills and have since acquired greater use of technique, rhythms, coordination and musical understanding. There is also an opportunity to build on basic improvisation.There are two main types of exams available at Grade 1, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 2: The Grade 2 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have mastered the key skills up to Grade 1 and since acquired greater use of technique, rhythms, coordination and musical understanding. There is also the continuing opportunity to develop improvisation skills. There are two main types of exams available at Grade 2, either a Grade Exam or which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 3: The Grade 3 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who are ready to consolidate their final stage as a beginner player. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 2 and have since acquired greater use of technique, rhythms, coordination and musical understanding. Candidates have started to develop the beginnings of stylistic awareness and there is also the opportunity to improvise, with improvisation growing in confidence and articulation.There are two main types of exam available at Grade 3, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 4: The Grade 4 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who are ready for intermediate level playing. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 3 and have since acquired greater use of technique, more complex rhythms, coordination and musical understanding. Candidates will be developing a sense of expression and continuing to broaden their stylistic awareness, and there is also the opportunity to improvise, which will be growing in assurance and articulation. There are two main types of exams available at Grade 4, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 5: The Grade 5 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have fully consolidated their intermediate level playing. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 4 and have since acquired a greater use of appropriate technique, more complex rhythms, coordination and musical understanding. Candidates will have developed a good sense of expression, have a strong grasp of stylistic awareness, and there is also the opportunity to improvise, which is now individual, assured, accurate and expressive.There are two main types of exams available at Grade 5, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 6: The Grade 6 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have reached the first stage of advanced level playing. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 5 and have since developed appropriate technique, expressive devices, rhythmic complexity, coordination and musical understanding. Candidates will have an increased extent of individuality, enhanced stylistic awareness and there is an option to demonstrate assured and articulate improvisation. Candidates will demonstrate a good understanding of form and structure with clear musical communication.There are two main types of exams available at Grade 6, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 7: The Grade 7 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have extended their advanced level playing. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 6 and developed notable security of appropriate technique, use of expressive devices, rhythmic complexity, fluency and musical understanding. There will be mature and authentic stylistic awareness, with developing individuality and communication. Candidates will have a strong understanding of musical form and structure and there is an option to improvise, demonstrating conviction and personality. There are two main types of exam available at Grade 7, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
GRADE 8: The Grade 8 Classical Violin exam is for candidates who have now consolidated their playing to a high level. They have mastered the key skills up to Grade 7 and have since developed heightened technique, use of expressive devices, rhythmic complexity, fluency, coordination and musical understanding. Candidates will demonstrate seamless musical form and structure. There will be an innate stylistic conviction and distinctive musicality with strong individuality. Communication will be commanding. There is an option to improvise to an advanced level, demonstrating effortless assurance and personality. There are two main types of exams available at Grade 8, either a Grade Exam or Performance Certificate, which can be booked as a face-to-face or live-streamed exam or submitted as a recorded digital exam.
For Hobbies Classes School offers it’s Own Appreciation Certificates. Students following Rockschool Piano Syllabus get certified by Rockschool UK.
Students fill Forms on the Month of June and Appear Exam Every year in the Month of November. Its not Mandatory to appear Exam but All can study with the Syllabus.
Our School Campus is the Examinations Center of RSL International Music Exam Board UK. Students can Appear Exams for 5 years to get Highest Degree.
Get Online Classes Of Violin In Bhubaneswar. Music School Offers 100% Interactive Classes. Violin Courses, Study Material, PDF Files, Step By Step Learning Methods Of Violin, Step By Step Video Sessions Of Violin.
Mandatory To Come Live, Be Interactive, 100% Screen Sharing Of Both Sides.
Students Get Life Time Data Uploading And Downloading Facilities.
Face To Face Stremming, Recorded And Online Video Exam Of Violin Make Every Students Healthy To Learn Violin Online.